The original inspiration? And the end to this blog
I was re-reading part of the story of Karna, a central and complicated character in the Mahabharata. He was born of Surya, the sun god, with a protective armor and earrings. His rival half-brother’s divine father takes human form to ask for the protective items. Karna understands what’s happening, and gives them anyway.
Giving a kidney didn’t (and wasn’t likely to) result in my death. Nonetheless, I was nearly at tears as I revisited Karna’s story, and found so much inspiration in his act of generosity. Perhaps reading this years ago was the original inspiration for my kidney donation.
This blog’s time has come to an end. Thank you for reading and for supporting me, as always. I intend on writing an anniversary postal letter for my kidney donation. If you’d like to receive the printed letter, please email me and send me your address. I can’t guarantee a letter to whomever responds, but I’ll try.
And if you’d like to continue to follow other adventures in my life, please follow my other blog. You can subscribe to that email list at the bottom of my website, or simply email me and ask me.